Monday, April 20, 2015

Give us Cell Phones or Give us Death

So these days when you see someone around they more or less have a cell phone on them. For myself unless the battery is dead I will have mine on hand.
I use mine from checking my calendar for daily appointments or my work schedule. Making social media post or taking a video of my goofy kid.  People outline there existence with there use of their phones. Now as a parent I notice more and more that children pick up the mobile hobbit earlier in years then as high schoolers. Because of that many parents strike out on cell providers go promote safer material. I find a common thread over the years that parents tend to pass there responsible and the problems to others.  My kid fails in school it must be a teacher, my kid crashes a car must be the car company's fault. Rather in then building new laws of Web and mobile content to reduce your parenting, try being a patent.
Restrictions hurt all users and slows production of future processing in technology. So next time before starting a riot ask yourself what can you do to limit or end irresponsible actions.
Well I just wanted to rant, thanks if you decided to read.
Joe the Grey

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