Welcome back for Part two of the blog post that was just two long to squeeze into one.
Well this entry will cover the historical past of Ragnar Lothbrok(lodbrok in legend) who is the main character on the fictional based History Channel show Vikings. Now when you read this I want you to keep an open mind because some event are similar but are in different orders. Now there are many different tales that all have some similar points from multiple books but here is my take.
Ragnar Lodbroth was of noble and legendry decent unlike a poor farmer like he is in the history channel show. Son of a Swedish King Sigurd Hring with a Danish King Gudfred as a uncle. Ragnar was a young warrior who was proving his name when his grandfather King Siward was killed by invades from the Swedan King named Fro while in Norway. All of Siward female family members were made into sex slaves to dishonor the former kings name. Ragnar heard the news and came to avenge his Grandfather death. When news traveled that Ragnar, grandson of the late king arrive to recalm his blood's honor all of the slaved women including the former Chief(who must have been the kings wife) Dressed up as men and joined forces winning the battle. It was not until after that it was revealed the nature of their deceit. The one female warrior that stood out the most was a Shield Maiden name Lagertha.
Now she is Ragnars first wife in the tv show but it is unclear in what order two of his wives were wed in.
Now Ragnar asked for her hand though a messenger. When he came to properly propose he was attacked by her pet bear and dog which she sent lose on him. He killed both and they wedded, but Ragnar was angered.
Later after she bore his son Fridleif and two daughters. He left to fight in a civil war in Denmark. He had heard a tales of Herrauor who was the Earl of Gotaland said to have been from a god's blood line. These tales included his daughter who was trapped in a tower by a serpent from her father's own doing. It was said any worry enough to defeat this Serpent no matter who shall take my daughters hand. Ragnar finish his part in the civil war and decided to take on this challenge. He grew angry with the thought of his first wife trying to kill him so he sent word that they were divorced. He took shaggy cloths and covered them in tar and sand when dried harden like armor.
He took on the serpent, who's fangs could not pierce his jackets toughness. He stuck the serpent though with a spear that broke in two. He left to recover and later claimed his prize of the fair maiden Thora Borgarhjort.
Her father the King was so deeply impressed he gave Ragnar(just a first name written at the time) his own Surname of Lodbrok which means hairy-Breeks. Though born from noble blood lines, Ragnar has made it on his own path rather then by his parents worth. Thora gave him Eirkr, and Agnar his second and third sons. Now how can this wife be second if his story starts with his surname in other stories already part of him. To be fair most Northern men could not read or write so either these tales were taken down later in history by many people or by a bios source outside of their culture. Much like the stories of the Jews of writing the Torra in Babylon long after the said timed events. Or even later with the Christians who wrote the words of Jesus and all of his work over 100 years after his death. Many believe this was lax from the said second coming which never came.
So onto the third and final wife Aslaug Lodbrok. The history channel show use's the back history of Thora for this character who is his second wife. Her parents were the nobles Sigurd and Brynhidr. They died for unknown reasons and her foster father Heimer thought many would like to calm her for her beauty even at a young age. So he made a giant harp and hid her inside of it. He went around masked as a poor begger playing music for coins. One night staying at the peasant's Ake and Grima house the two killed Heimer believing there to be treasure in the harp. When they broke it open they found the girl who they dressed in rags and kept dirty to hide her beauty which was a sign of noble blood. Years go by when King Ragnar's ship sales by and his men come to shore to attain food. They find Aslaug bathing and report her beauty back to Ragnar who when seeing her from afar back covered in the dirt again does not believe it. He sent her a riddle and she figured it out. They waited to be married till Ragnar mission he was sailing to in Norway was complete. She gave birth to many sons Ivar the Boneless, Hvitserk, Ragnvald the Mountain-High(Bjorn Ironsides by other names), Sigurd Snake in the Eye.
Another change was Bjorn was born though Lagertha in the tv show.
Now Ragnar was known for using his wit and cunning to attain his victory's. In fact the only proof recorded of actual events were his sons victory's that gave credit to three different men as fathers that all sum up to the legendary King Ragnar when you break them down.
Now when Ragnar forces were fighting againstKing Aella of Northumbria in Britain they find out Eirkr, and Agnar died fighting for the fathers sake against Eysteinn Beli who was Earl of Sweden that Ragnar had placed in power.
Enraged all of his other sons and current wife Aslaug took to arms and left Ragnar to fight without them. Aslaug left Ragnar a special shirt for protection against all the snakes in the area. King Ragnar remaining army was defeated by King Aella and he was thrown into a pit of snakes after they removed his special shirt.
On the way back to Britain Aslaug and sons heard the news and gather every ounce of Northman that they could and fought Aella back and came to terms with the king gaining land from him. Creating the town of York and once enough forces and men had built up they attack again killing the King Honoring there father.
That in a nut shell is his history. Now Ragnar was known to be a poet and many more books are out there about his tales and wisdom. I just touched up his main story and parts that conflicted with the show.
Super Awesome Viking time part three will cover season two of the tv show.
Brace yourselves, the hashtags are coming!
Joe the Grey
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