Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Super Awesome Viking Time Part 4

If you have not watched season three and wish to not send me hate mail then close the browser window now.

Well here we are on part four covering season three. I will also be going over my predictions for season four. Well let's rush into the storm!

We kick off with the thick of winter and Ragnar trying to give Bjorn some advice. Lagertha finally returns to her village with her share of the spoilers to find a plan in the mist. Marriage or death are the choices given to her and she choosing neither. When spring comes she places her most faithful friend in charge while she goes back to Wessex.

 Ragnar, Lagertha, Bjorn, and his new love Porunn with a number of settlers head back to Wessex. They are greeted with a great feast. You meet Princess Kwenthrith for a second time but on this occasion comes with a cost just like the land promised. King Ecbert ask's in return for the land if Ragnar's forces could aid Kwenthrith in reclaiming her land from her uncle. Ragnar accepts but this marks the begining of his people starting to doubt his decisions. They go off and fight as Lagertha takes the settlers with Athelstan to begin farming the land. At home a stranger named Harbard appears who sets off a number of dreams with the wives of Ragnar, Floki, and Rollo. 

The combined Wessex/Northmen forces wipe out all of Princess Kwenthrith backstabbing family. Many of Ragar's people lost there lives including a dear friend of his. The first harvest is coming in and Ecbert vist and get's very close with both Lagertha and Athalstan.
.Back at the village Princess Aslaug cheats on Ragnar with the stranger since she feels that he only user her for bearing children. Ragnars sons feel ignored so they run off on Siggy who had been taking turns with all of the other women to watch Aslaug children as she slept with Harbard. Siggy notice that the two oldest boys had escaped and followed there trail to a frozen lake up on the mountins. 
The boys fell though and SIggy jumped in after them. She almost gave up but felt a presence and pulled the boys out of the lake one by one. When she came up with the first boy Freya stood in front of her grabing the boy from her smiling. For those who do not know Freya(god of love and child birth) and Odin(grand Earl and all father to men) are the ones to bring a fallen warrior to Valhalla. By the time she brings the second child up she see's Odin for a second then he becomes Harbard(which is another word for Odin). He grabs the two children helping to start breathing again as Siggy finial gives in to the cold and dies passing on by a noble death worthy of Valhalla.

Floki anger grows even more so towards Athelstan. Porunn was heavly wounded and is with child on top of that. They all travel back to the village leaving the settlers behide. When they return Ragnar finds out about Siggy's death and finds it leads to the betrayal of Aslaug. Full of rage about a promises he made to the former earl to keep her safe. Harbrad had left before Ragnar's return. Lagertha. hears she has been Uspurpe by the man she put in charge to guard her title and land. Ragnar's has been dreaming a quest brought on by Athelstan. The mighty Paris, and the walls that cannot be taken. 
Ragnar goes over and over with Athelstan anything he knows about the city plus any attempt made to breach it's walls in the past. After much planing and discussion with aid from the turncoat Earl on Lagertha throne. Former King Horriks son shows up to aid as well as one more Earl.

 Porunn in a deep depression from his facial scars bears her child but withdraws from mother hood and her husband. Before they set out a settle from the Wessex farms arrived speaking only to Ragnar. He tells of King Ecbert betrayal and the slaughter of the men women and children of the Wessex. He confirms that he has told no one else and kills the man to hide that truth about Wessex for he has better plans for the moment then revenge. Before they leave Athelstan forsake's Norse law and Floki kills him.
They all gather and sail out placing Floki in charge of a battle plan once arriving since all the leaders can not agree. Floki is on a high as for once he is given the respect he deserves.

 They sail in and begin setting Floki plan in motion building wooden spiked tower mounts. They set there plan off against Paris attacking from land and water.

 You get to meet the King of Paris His daughter the Princess. She helps ralley the people of Paris and Prayer and military Strenght and they hold back the Vikings. Floki plan fails as most of the forces attacking by water are killed. Bjorn is mortaly Injured and Ragnar takes a number of bad blows to recover him. As the battle turns from bad to worse Floki snaps and hides screaming the God's turned there back on me. On the Land Front they break though the first barrior to the outer gates and into the inner wall. They find themselves cornered as the hall they squeezed into to enter becomes a death trap. Losing a number of forces there as well. Both Attack fronts are haulted as Ragnar meets his first real defeat. Bjorn shows promiss to make it though but Ragnar is sick and feels death on his back.
 He daydreams once more of Odin following him.

 Soon Bjorn is good enough to get up and walk around as Ragnar is on deaths door. The King of Paris sends Messages to the viking camp asking why they have not left. They tell them that there the King is to ill to travel. Bjorn tells them that he would like to be baptized in the faith of Christ and given a Christian funeral for he knows he will die in France. They agree and well his people watch out of hate and spite for there King he is Baptized. He dies a few days later and placed in a casket shaped like a viking long boat. Before he is brought in the city as his request his friends and family say there last words to his body. He hears Floki admit the murder of Athelstan and his brother ill will he's always had towards him. As his body is brought in and they start preforming the Christian funeral Ragnar awakes..

 He jumps up and slices the thoat of the head Bishop preforming the act then holds a knife to the Princess neck. The gates of the city are opening and Paris is raided. Before Ragnar left the seer told him that only the dead could conquer Paris. As he makes his way out of the city after faking his death yet still sick he meets the people who vented to his body. In anger they begin to argue but Ragnar simply puts that all Earls could do is fight and not think of the best way to win would be with the least amount of deaths.

They sail back to the village with only 1/4 of their forces left. Ragnar leans over and tells Floki he heard him speak his betrayal by killing Athelstan and that his time will come. Ragnar leaves his brother and some troops behind to keep a eye on Paris until they return in the summer following summer.

 The last part of the finally has Rollo brought before the King and offered to be a made a Duke and in control of a counter attack from his brothers next journey. As a added bonus he would be given the Princess as a pride. She refused but in those days has no say in the end. Rollo having his own future told by the seer as having no Future as he is takes the offer finial have a place in power.

That is how season three of The History Channels Original show Vikings went plot wise. So far season two was my favorite. You take the first haft of season three very slow moving finishing Wessex story's issues with acquiring land. Then there was a episode and a haft of dealing with Athelstan return to his faith and his death. Then three episode of the Paris Ark forced together. In my option they should have spend more time on Paris and less time on Wessex that should have been rapped up in season two. 
Now it has been leaked and confirmed that season four will take place a few years after they left to come to paris. They spent all of summer into the fall then became lost at sea on their return home. It has been also confirmed that this is the last season and Ragnar will die in this season. Will he die by the hands of a king of Wessex like in the original story or by his brother we will wait to see.
My prediction is as follows... The season starts with two years past and Ragnar has just returned to a different home from what he left. He has heal his wounds but is a changed man. War and time way from his family has scorn him. The whole first epd is flash backs to the last two years drifting from place to place fighting for their lives and Floki even dieing never to see his new family again. Once returning he see a new Earl on his throne. In this season he will deal with his brother once and for all. He will put into place a future for his kin and all his friends who suffered in his path to be king. He will sail to england and lay waste with the biggest viking army that has ever been gathered.

 In he end he will be capsured and thrown into a pit of snakes like he does in legend. I think he would do this to save his son or Lagertha life as a trade. He will asend to Valhalla meeting his lost loved ones. But I could see him also going to heaven and meeting his friend Athelstan since he was baptized and died for another. As this happens All the vikings ralley and destroy the remaining forces of wessex's killing king Ecbert. Bjorn becomes the first High Viking King.
Well I hope you have enjoyed this very long and drawn out 4 part blog about The History channels show Viking's. Keep a eye out on my google calendar posted on the main page for up coming blog, video and scheduled events. Click on the links below to check out Part 1, 2, and 3 as well.

Brace yourselves, the Hashtag's are coming
Joe the Grey

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